Last night's GA business session gave me a "missionary moment". The vote was one everyone agreed to, in principle - we Presbyterians want to and need to be in dialogues for understanding with Islamic leaders. The motion bogged with the theological weight of our different perceptions of God, if we indeed have them. We do. But try to put it in writing in a way that doesn't close the door to further conversation. That's a "bump in the road" for sure.
I'm thinking that it will be valuable for our presbytery to build on teaching and conversations already begun. I need to know more about my Muslim neighbors, a Hindu academic whose business leadership books I read, and others. My mental frames seemed to first formed by hear-say, mis-information, and sometimes simple visceral reactions to a foreign culture. These mental bumps in the road will inevitably throw me off balance as I learned one day when I rode my bicycle onto a speed bump at 25 mph! I'll bet we have some very competent instructors in world religions who can give us helpful new ways of thinking and relating that will help our presbytery lead the way for a stronger multi cultural community in Allegheny County.
On another important front for Pittsburgh Presbytery, the Assembly approved a recommendation to create a "Strategy for African American Church Growth within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)." The report asks the General Assembly Council to partner with the National Black Presbyterian Caucus, presbyteries, and synods so that the strategies for African American Church Growth become a reality in the church at large. These strategies were approved at the 39th Annual Convention of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus (NBPC), held in Society Hill, Philadelphia, on July 11-15, 2007. Our Presbytery has talented leadership in our African American congregations. Partnering with other large metropolitan presbyteries in the nation might create some synergy for advancing this important ministry in our cities and beyond.
Another bump in the road will be a recommendation to remove G.6.0106b ("fidelity and chastity" statement). Recently upheld by the GA Permanent Judicial Commission, approval of this recommendation would mean that each presbytery will have to prayerfully consider the life, witness, and character equally on all standards (and not primarily G.6.0106b) for each candidate for the office of Elder, Deacon, and Minister of Word and sacrament. Yes, you will hear a variety of un-nerving news reports. Doug Portz and I, along with the Commissioners, will do our best to keep you up to date with facts from our seats in the hall. Keep our Commissioners in your prayers.
Pittsburgh Presbytery Commissioner, Bob Wright, witnessed to his profound experience in meeting and working with, commissioners of our church. We have a deeply dedicated and spiritually vibrant representation at our General Assembly.
Thanks be to God!
Bob Anderson
Interim Pastor to the Presbytery
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