Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

Dear Presbytery Colleagues,

After some time of debate, consideration, and prayer, the 218th General Assembly voted to approve the recommendation to strike the text of the current G-60106b and insert new text. The vote was 380 for and 325 opposed. The text to be deleted and the proposed new text is printed below. This substitute paragraph is an overture that needs the approval of a majority of our 173 presbyteries.

I know that this direction will bring pain to some and gladness to others. Please remember that this conversation is continues. Let's stay faithfully engaged as a church. I have already begun plans for how we will gather around our Pittsburgh “table of communion” to worship, pray, study, and dialogue.

Whether in concurrence with this proposal or not, we remain God’s people. God is our shepherd and is faithful. This is our time to stop, be still and wait to see what God is doing in our church right now. As we wait, let us be prayerful, thoughtful, and peaceful.

Our staff will begin to develop opportunity for listening and interpreting this vote upon our return to Pittsburgh this weekend. May you and your congregation know the peace and love of God as you gather for worship this weekend.

Yours in Christ’s Love,

Bob Anderson
Interim Pastor to Presbytery

The Presbytery of Boston respectfully overtures the 218th General Assembly (2008) to do the following:1. Direct the Stated Clerk to send the following proposed amendment to the presbyteries for their affirmative or negative votes:a. Strike the current text of G-6.0106b and insert new text to read as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown in red font, text to be added or inserted is shown as italic.]

b. To be deleted: Those who are called to office in the church are to lead a life in obedience to Scripture and in conformity to the historic confessional standards of the church. Among these standards is the requirement to live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman (W-4.9001), or chastity in singleness. Persons refusing to repent of any self acknowledged practice which the confessions call sin shall not be ordained and/or installed as deacons elders, or ministers of the Word and Sacrament.

To be added: Those who are called to ordained service in the church, by their assent to the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.4003), pledge themselves to live lives obedient to Jesus Christ the Head of the Church, striving to follow where he leads through the witness of the Scriptures, and to understand the Scriptures through the instruction of the Confessions. In so doing, they declare their fidelity to the standards of the Church. Each governing body charged with examination for ordination and/or installation (G-14.0240 and G-14.0450) establishes the candidate’s sincere efforts to adhere to these standards.

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